* Note: Every country has bad apples. Do not generalize Thais and insult Thailand, also do not take the matter in your own hands, let proper authorities conduct necessary actions according to his company policies and our law.
What we should learn from Koko Narak
Koko Narak also made some remarkable criticism of the Philippines
Dear Readers,
The purpose of this blog has been accomplished. Koko Narak (Kosin)has been reprimanded and is now leaving the Philippines in few days time. Let us stop bullying and threatening the person. Let him leave our country safely and please do not wish to inflict him harm and put the law in your hands.
We hope Koko has learned his lesson and will not commit the same mistake again. Let us just instead wish him a good life back in his country.
As we are nearing the ASEAN Integration at the end of this year, let us be more open and tolerant to different culture and make our best to avoid racist remarks and discrimination.
Original post is now archived
The purpose of this blog has been accomplished. Koko Narak (Kosin)has been reprimanded and is now leaving the Philippines in few days time. Let us stop bullying and threatening the person. Let him leave our country safely and please do not wish to inflict him harm and put the law in your hands.
We hope Koko has learned his lesson and will not commit the same mistake again. Let us just instead wish him a good life back in his country.
As we are nearing the ASEAN Integration at the end of this year, let us be more open and tolerant to different culture and make our best to avoid racist remarks and discrimination.
Original post is now archived